Save $10,000+ by Eliminating Asphalt Waste
A common discussion topic among asphalt contractors is how to stop wasting asphalt. Most contractors buy 4 tons of asphalt, use 3 tons, and then discard the remaining ton because it cooled down to an unusable temperature. Assume in this scenario that a ton of asphalt costs $70 and that you discard 1 ton a day for 150 working days. That equates to $10,500 you have cut from your bottom line in wasted material!
If this scenario resonates with you or your business, you are not alone. Hundreds of thousands of tons of asphalt are dropped back off at the plant every year because the asphalt was either not used or cooled down too much to use. Contractors who experience these issues are most likely still patching out of a dump truck or trailer that is unheated and not intended to be used for patch work.
With an asphalt hotbox reclaimer, this waste will be completely eliminated, and you will never have to waste another ton of asphalt.
An asphalt hotbox will maintain asphalt temperatures for a period of 48 hours at the user’s desired set point. This will enable contractors to patch with hot, quality material for extended periods of time while increasing the reliability of the repair work they are performing.
If you do not end up using all the asphalt you bought and do not plan on using it in the near future, that material can be bulk stored and reheated later in the asphalt hotbox reclaimer. The reclaiming or reheating process will take approximately 8-10 hours.
No contractor likes shoveling and applying cool asphalt, as it is hard to work with, does not compact well, and does not lend itself to quality results.
If you own an asphalt hotbox, these headaches are eliminated. You will never have to return another ton of asphalt back to the plant or otherwise waste money on unused asphalt.
At KM international we have long used the phrase, “Buy what you need and use what you buy.” Buy however much asphalt you need for a job without the fear of that asphalt being unusable later or worrying about the hassle of returning it to the plant.